Sunday, October 31, 2010
Doing sehaj Paath of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
There is no restiction at all in doing any Paath with Sehenchian (SGGS in Two Parts).We do not need to have a Palki Sahib over the Sehencians.
But if we wanted to have a program at a Gurudwara then we must start a Sehaj Paath at any Gurudwara and then after completing the Paath with the Sehenchian (SGGS in Two Parts) have any jodh mela program at any Gurudwara to complete the Sehaj Paath.
Why Guru in the form of a Book?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
From the Book “The True Name Japji Sahib By Osho:”
Rajneesh said I gave you orange robes, but only for to remember constantly that you have been initiated into sannyas. Now you have to sit, stand, walk, talk as a sannyasin should. Your actions in the world should not be that of a SLAVE but that of a MASTER, which is why I call you a swami. Now show that you are a free person, not a captive. I agree that this cannot come immediately, but you have to make a beginning somewhere. These clothes are like a knot for you. Their usefulness lies in constantly focusing your remembrance on the fact of being a sannyasin from the very beginning.
The above paragraph can be interpreted like this:
The panj Kakkar I(SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI) gave you to wear is for you to remember constantly that you have been initiated into Sikh Panth (disciple hood). Now you have to sit, stand walk, talk as a Sikh should. Your actions in the world should not be that of a SLAVE but that of a MASTER, which is why I call you a Gursikh. Now show that you are a free person, not a captive. I agree that this cannot come immediately, but you have to make a beginning somewhere. These 5 Kakkars are like a knot for you. Their usefulness lies in constantly focusing your remembrance on the fact of being a Gursikh from the very beginning.
I find that when we do something we do it as a slave to that doing.
E.g. When we watch a movie we become a slave to the movie, or
when we eat too much food we also become a slave to the food or
when we wear expensive clothes we also become a slave of the clothes or
when we have a bad character we also become a slave to the bad habit or
when we sleep too much we also become a slave to the sleeping or
when we get angry we also become a slave to the anger .
These are a few examples, if we can free ourselves from these slavery we can be very blissful automatically.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
BABA Budda Ji - Recognised as the perfect Gursikh by 6 Gurus.
BHAI Kanayaa Ji - Saw Guru Ji in all souls including enemies while fighting against them.
BHAI Mani Singh Ji - Chopped limb by limb while repeating Vaheguru.
BHAI Mati Daas Ji - Sawn in half while in Anand of seeing his GURU in front of him.
BABA Ajit Singh Ji - Ultimate warrior
BABA Jujhar Singh Ji - Ultimate warrior
BABA Fateh Singh Ji - Nirbhai Padh (fearless state)
BABA Zorawar Singh Ji - Nirbhai Padh - young children reaching the ultimate state
BABA Atal Rai - a young child who brought his dead friend back to life
BHAI Taru Singh Ji - Preferred his scalp to be removed than his hair cut
BABA Deep Singh Ji - continued fighting even when decapitated
Sunday, September 12, 2010
1950, Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
He said "If some lucky men survive the onslaught of the third world war of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the SIKH religion will be the ONLY means of guiding them.
It has the capability, but Sikhs have not brought-out, in broad day light, the splendid doctrines of their religion, which has come into existence for
the benefit of entire mankind."
Western Atheist’s views
We were doing great with knocking out Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Baha’i, even Buddhism but we have gotten very stuck with Sikhism.
........ Look instead in service to humanity. You will find “meaning” in your love for other human beings. You can experience God when you help someone who needs your help.
Why is this interesting? Because we found this religion of Sikhism to be in agreement with this! This is why we have a problem. We tried to look at their holy text (Adi Granth) but didn’t find the usual absurdities we found in the other religious books. In fact its refreshingly inspiring and very good!
Did you know that they believed in Democracy, freedom of speech, choice, expression, freedom of religion, pluralism, human rights, equality between men and women, equality of all people regardless of race, religion, caste, creed, status etc. 300 years before the existence of the USA! Theirs is the only religion which says in their religious scriptures that women are equal in every respect to men. They even had women soldiers leading armies in to battle against “you know who” (The usual suspects ) Their history is a proud one, they fought in both World Wars. Even Hitler praised them for their bravery and Aryan heritage!
Please bear in mind that Bertrand Russell was a great philosopher and free thinker. We have been trying for weeks now to find a way to fairly and rationally criticize and find fault with this religion but have failed. We even found out that there are many people converting to this religion in the USA and Europe as well as Russia (Mostly well educated and affluent white people).
Bertrand Russell was a great philosopher and free thinker and is said to have given Christianity (same applies to Islam and Judaism) a body blow and exposed its absurdities; but even this great man got stuck when it came to Sikhism! In fact he gave up and said "that if some lucky men survive the onslaught of the third world war of atomic and hydrogen bombs, then the Sikh religion will be the only means of guiding them.” Russell was asked that he was talking about the third world war, but isn't this religion capable of guiding mankind before the third world war? In reply, Russell said, "Yes, it has this capability, but the Sikhs have not brought out in the broad daylight, the splendid doctrines of this religion which has come into existence for the benefit of the entire mankind. This is their greatest sin and the Sikhs cannot be freed of it.
" What Bertrand was most impressed with was that Sikhism does not have a doctrine of evangelism, that it does not go out to try to
subvert and convert. In some ways he thought that Sikhs should go out and propagate their great faith.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Your children
As Children grow up through the chakras, they don’t immediately outgrow the need of the previous chakras. Children need physical affection all through life, not just in the first and second chakras. They need continual approval for their self-esteem. They need to be talked to, engaged with, and included in family councils and activities.
There is NEVER justification for parents to inflict UPON their children sexual activity, physical pain or shaming criticism. If this OCCURS find HELP for yourself immediately through local parent support group or your own therapy. Break the cycle. Don’t PASS on abuse.
Children need love and attention, time and approval. They need to be encouraged, not discouraged. They NEED to be PART of adult society, and they need their INDIVIDUALITY to reform that society in ways that are in better harmony with the body, soul, and spirit. Children are the SACRED BEINGS of the future. They are the hope of humankind.